thank you for visiting my website

my name is kelsey. my hobby is drawing things and posting them on the internet.

i like magical girls, tokusatsu, horror, and mystery.

kelsey about kelsey about



friends and rivals button. the button says in cream text on a green background, with green vines and orange and yellow flowers growing around it.
Petal and Leaf button. the button says Petal and Leaf in white text on a pink background with a green border.
Ready2StartTheShow banner. The logo says R2S in bold green font, and the background is an image of a city at night.
pixel art icon for the taptroupe website, the background is of subtle black-white polka dots and a tall tapper from rhythm heaven's rectangular white smiling face, grey box helmet, and red bowtie. there is text beside it that says Taptroupe, and red bowtie on top.
SuperPilkyRose64 button. The logo says SPR64 in pink text, and the background is light blue with sparkles.
THiNGYBOBinc button. The background is light green with a square pattern. There's a darker green horizontal stripe down the middle with text reading thingybobinc
Combo Connie button. The background is dark and light yellow with horizontal stripes. There's a graphic of a pointing hand with a yellow heart on it, and text beside it that reads 'Combo Connie' with stars either size.
